Posts tagged ‘Blocking’

Tips For Training Your Blocking Skills Martial Arts


When parrying keep your fingers tight together and block with your palm.  Fingers can easily be broken if left open.
When performing more than one block, pull the hand you have blocked with straight back to your guard so that you don’t leave yourself open.  Always have one hand covering whilst the other blocks, avoid your blocks looking like you are waving.
Keep your chin tucked in at all times.
Breath out with each block.

How to train you blocks

• Firstly begin by shadowing your block, start with each block separately and then build up so you can do all 8 in order.  In front of a mirror would be ideal so you can check your form.
• Practice with a partner, get your partner to feed you realistic techniques with control and then work your blocks
• Use a blocker or alternatively pipe lagging from a diy store are great because you can work fast attacks using the blocker without the risk of being hurt.  This will develop your speed and timing.

Now we have covered the martial arts training skills and the technical elements lets get training.  Remember repetition is the mother of all skills; train and you can only get better.  I look forward to working with you next month.

February 26, 2009 at 1:10 pm Leave a comment

